EDC’s temperature scanning kiosks will allow your business to perform efficient, accurate temperature readings in seconds. The system is fully automated, non-contact for the customer, and does not require any participation from an employee. Simply stand a few feet away from the camera and the device will scan body temperature and face covering status and instantly approve or deny entry via voice message and or green or red indicator lights. Built-in software allows companies to build a facial recognition database of employees and keep records of check in times, dates, and temperature readings, and export the data if needed. The kiosk is available in freestanding and countertop configurations.
Staff, Tenants, and Visitors can be scanned before they’re granted access to the building. If kiosks are placed in a building’s front lobby, every visitorcan be scanned before they’re allowed to enter the building.
While a company can foster a culture of hygiene best practices, for instance mask and social distancing mandates, this culture doesn’t always extend to visitors. Using these kiosks can help mitigate the risks associated with an infected visitor from the moment they enter the building.
– Infrared Temperature Scan with Calibration
– Intelligent Face Covering Recognition
– Optional Face Recognition for Staff and Tenants
– Hand Sanitizer Dispenser